Saturday, February 16, 2008

Norm would be proud

Wood Magazine was in town this weekend for their traveling show. I had cut the shelf for my bookcase headboard, but was having trouble getting it all glued together. I decided that it was time to listen to the old adage, "woodworker can never have enough clamps!"

One neat clamp I found this weekend was called a 3-d square. It is just a piece of angle cut on a miter. They machine them within 0.0002 inches of square. They help hold things steady while you see the real clamps. I love them!
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Friday, February 15, 2008

Bed Frame

This is the first piece of the bed I have completed. It also contains the first design change. I took two of the crosspices and turned them flat. I built brackets for them out of spare 2x4. This way we can pull them out and use the space for storage.

Overall I am happy with the way it came out. I did manage to glue one of the corners with the wrong overlap. I was checking the diagonals for square and could not figure out why it was so out of line. One head smack later, and a was scrambling to rip out screws before the glue set.

But in the end it worked out OK.

One down, some rather large number to go.
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Saturday, February 9, 2008

The workshop

So this is my so called workshop. They say that an organized shop is the sign of a deranged mind, so my friends and family have nothing to worry about. While the space is working it one real problem is dust.

MDF creates an evil dust. While the particles are too small to see with the naked eye, don't try taking a picture with a flash.

This dust gets everywhere. Not good when you share the space with two cars and all of your children's stuff. Luckily it is winter, and we don't play outside that much. We will have a big wash day with the toys and bikes come spring.
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